Do you need financial assistance in order to get your pit bull/pit mix “fixed”? If so, the
Save A Buddy Fund “PIT STOP PROGRAM” may be able to help. We are offering Lake County pet owners a $75 voucher towards the cost of spaying-neutering their pit bulls/pit mixes!
What exactly is the “Pit Stop Program?”
The “Pit Stop Program” provides spay-neuter assistance for pit bulls/pit mixes, both males/females.
Why do we offer this program?
Pit bulls/pit mixes are entering animal shelters at an alarming rate, and through no fault of their own, are the most difficult breed of dog to adopt out. The lucky ones often languish for months in shelters. The unlucky ones are euthanized immediately, without ever having a chance at a new home. Sadly, pit bulls also face “quality of life” issues as they are prone to abuse, neglect and are used for dog fighting. Ultimately, our goal is to stop the over breeding of pit bulls and stop potential abuse, neglect and senseless euthanasia of these awesome dogs. Spaying and neutering saves lives!!
What do we consider to be a “pit mix”?
It’s very difficult to define a “pit mix” as pit mixes can come in all sorts of shapes and colors! We are asking dog owners to use their best judgment and to contact us if you would like help in deciding if your dog is eligible for a “Pit Stop” voucher.
What is the time frame for getting my pit bull/pit mix fixed?
Pit Stop Program spay-neuter vouchers are valid for 6 months from the issue date.
Who is eligible to apply for financial assistance?
Any Lake County resident may apply for a $75 Pit Stop Program voucher and there are no income restrictions to qualify. Simply
take your $75 voucher to your dog's spay-neuter appointment and the vet's office will subtract $75 off the cost of your dog's surgery. Pet owners may use the vet of their choice as long as the vet is willing to accept our vouchers. If your vet is not listed as one of
our participating vets, please contact us and we will get in touch with your vet to see if they would like to participate in our
Pit Stop Program.
How is the PIT STOP PROGRAM being funded?
We rely on donations and grants to fund the Pit Stop Program. The Save A Buddy Fund is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are greatly needed and very much appreciated!!
How do I apply?
Please click HERE for a paper application that you can print and mail to us. You can also click HERE to apply on-line.